Landing a job in cybersecurity does not follow the same path as other industries. There are different details involved that you need to pay close attention to if you want to succeed. For starters, you need more than just theoretical knowledge. You need hands-on...
A cybersecurity job interview is similar to a certification test. You have to study, practice, and recall various problems with the lessons learned from them. Like any other job interview, having the necessary technical skills is only half the process. You must...
Navigating the vast array of cybersecurity training options can be overwhelming. From free courses to master’s degrees and on-site classes to online programs, it’s essential to know what to look for to ensure you choose a program that sets you up for...
You can start a career in cybersecurity for many compelling reasons right now. However, while you can gain the necessary skills, knowledge, and experience, this field may not suit everyone. Certain personality traits and characteristics will help you perform better...
The cybersecurity talent gap is growing every day. We live in a world that demands trained professionals to take care of every organization’s security needs. Despite the growing need, the industry faces a significant talent shortage, with a worldwide gap between...
There are a lot of reasons to work in cybersecurity. It is a gratifying job and offers unlimited growth opportunities. Anyone with the right set of skills and training can work in the field. Many think about working in the field and then quickly dismiss it because...