4 Reasons Why a Cybersecurity Bootcamp is a Good Investment

by | Jun 3, 2021

Anyone out there considering investing in a cybersecurity bootcamp is probably leveraging the pros and cons of this decision. Is it worth the time and money? What is the return of the investment? How fast will I see it? These are just some examples of the questions you may be asking yourself and others who have followed a similar path. The same thing happens when it comes to cybersecurity training. The first thing we want to do is congratulate you for considering a fast-growing, hot industry that currently has hundreds of thousands of job openings and that also has professionals with a high level of satisfaction with their careers. But, this does not make cybersecurity an exception, meaning that anyone considering getting trained for this field will probably navigate through questions such as: what is the right education path to follow? Should I consider a degree? Or is a bootcamp enough to get me started and land a job? How fast can I see the return of investment in training? How many certifications should I earn to get started? We want to help you find the right answers. Of course, some of them may vary depending on your professional and educational background. Still, in general terms, we consider that the best place to start your cybersecurity training is a bootcamp, and we are not just saying this because we offer one in our academy. We want to deep-dive into the main reasons why we consider it a smart investment when contemplating a career change or your next step for your professional development. 

Is A Cybersecurity Bootcamp A Good Investment? 

Short answer: yes. But, let’s dig deeper into the most important reasons that will help you understand why: 

1- A Bootcamp Will Require a Lower Investment 

On average, a cybersecurity bootcamp in the United States can cost between $12,000 to $24,000, numbers that can be considered a bit too high. But when you see the average salary ($70,500) you can start earning once you graduate, it will not be as frightening as it sounds. On the other hand, remember these are programs that can last from 12 to 36 weeks, meaning that in less than 6 months, you will be ready to start working on an entry-level position.   

2- Bootcamp Focus In Hands-On Experience  

We have said in the past. Cybersecurity is not a field you can learn by sticking to books and theory. You need to test your knowledge by facing real-life problems. That is why a good cybersecurity bootcamp offers a curriculum designed with experiential learning to give you real examples of how the content discussed in classes is relevant during an attack.  

3- They Offer In-Demand Skills Development 

Anyone can study cybersecurity, but people with certain skills have had an easier road to success. A good program will help you develop foundational technical abilities (such as understanding the architecture, administration, and management of different operating systems, knowledge of common programming and scripting languages), practical skills, and soft skills (research and writing instincts, a teacher’s disposition, collaboration, consultative thinking, and a passion for learning).  

4- Recruiters Highly value Bootcamps 

Just as we, and students, are aware of the many benefits a cybersecurity bootcamp offers, so are hiring managers and recruiters. They understand that this type of training not only guides through the theoretical knowledge, but it goes above and beyond: it puts into practice everything that has been discussed during the classes, it centers most of its time in hands-on experience, it helps students develop soft or human skills that will help them perform better in their jobs, and skilled instructors guide them.  With all of this in mind, we leave you with a question: is a cybersecurity bootcamp a good investment?