How To Hire Cybersecurity Experts in Mexico

by | Feb 20, 2023

With the ever-growing need for top-notch cybersecurity measures, businesses and organizations of all sizes are now turning to cost-saving cybersecurity alternatives such as outsourcing and staffing to help protect their company data. Because it has become more important than ever for companies to take measures to protect their information and assets from cyberattacks, the interest in these non-traditional recruitment options has soared in recent years, with many nearshore locations within Latin America being put in the spotlight. One of these is Mexico, the Latin American country located the closest to the US and a well established trading partner for many years. While best known for its spectacular beaches, rich culture, and amazing food, Mexico also boasts a sizable IT industry and a great number of qualified cybersecurity engineers. In this article, we’ll dive into how to hire cybersecurity experts in Mexico.

Understanding the Mexico Cybersecurity Industry

When looking to hire cybersecurity experts in Mexico, it is important to understand the different types of expertise available and the overall IT industry of this country. The Mexican security industry is home to a wide variety of professionals with different levels of experience and proficiency in different technologies. For starters, the most common types of cybersecurity experts in Mexico include:

  • Security Analysts: These professionals specialize in identifying potential threats and vulnerabilities within online systems. They work closely with other IT teams to ensure that all company operations are secure and the networks are up to date according to the latest security protocols.
  • Network Architects: These sought-after engineers design and optimize computer networks for optimal security and improved performance. They develop strategies to protect data from malicious attacks and ensure that all company networks remain secure.
  • Security Engineers: Finally, these cybersecurity experts are responsible for developing security architecture and policy for computer networks. They use a mix of technical knowledge and creativity to create custom solutions that meet the needs of their clients.

While the three types of cybersecurity experts mentioned above are the most common ones in Mexico, keep in mind that this country is the third largest IT exporter in the world. There are many different kinds of cybersecurity professionals added to its large workforce every year. This is thanks to the educational efforts of the country as well as the regional and local governments’ investments in the IT infrastructure and implementation of more STEM programs. There are already about 2.000 companies established within the country’s tech hubs, boosting the entire local tech ecosystem.

IT education for cybersecurity experts in Mexico

The importance of IT education for professionals in the field of cybersecurity cannot be overstated, so it’s crucial to outsource from countries with a solid educational infrastructure. This ensures the cybersecurity experts in Mexico you source to join your team possess the necessary skills and knowledge to protect your organization from cyberattacks and data breaches. The good news is that there are a variety of educational opportunities for those looking to gain knowledge and skills in the field of cybersecurity development in Mexico.

First and foremost, there’s the path of traditional IT education that aspiring cybersecurity professionals in Mexico can follow. There are different universities in Mexico that teach future tech experts the ins and outs of cybersecurity, though finding a degree with a specific concentration in this niche can prove to be a bit trickier than expected. As far as academic degrees go, the two most popular and well-renowned IT universities in Mexico are the National Polytechnic Institute in Mexico City and the Monterrey Institute of Technology located in Monterrey.

Aspiring cybersecurity experts in Mexico can forge their own academic paths by complementing their degree-level studies with different courses and online certifications. Online education programs are also becoming increasingly popular for those looking to learn more about IT and cybersecurity. These programs provide flexibility and convenience for students, as they are often self-paced and can be completed at the student’s own pace. For those looking to specialize only in certain topics of cybersecurity, there are specialized education programs available as well. These remote programs often focus on topics such as network security, ethical hacking, malware analysis, digital forensics, and more.

At the end of the day, Mexico’s high-standards for IT education provides the necessary skills and knowledge needed to stay ahead of the ever-evolving cyber threat landscape. By staying up to date with new technologies, cybersecurity experts in Mexico can identify potential employment opportunities and enter the cybersecurity staffing market. There are a variety of educational opportunities available in Mexico, including technical education, professional education, online education programs, in-person education programs, and specialized education programs for cybersecurity experts. This diverse ecosystem of educational alternatives ensures all Mexican cybersecurity engineers your company hires are qualified to do the job you recruit them for.

Most popular cybersecurity technologies for cybersecurity experts in Latin America

One of the best things about the Mexican cybersecurity industry is that the local specialists are always on the lookout for the latest technologies that will help them advance their careers within the IT sector. There are many different cybersecurity technologies that Mexican cybersecurity professionals are proficient in, so here are a few of the most popular ones to keep in mind when recruiting from this country:

  • Blockchain
  • HTML
  • IDS
  • DLP
  • IPS
  • Cloud Computing
  • AI
  • Embedded Hardware Authentication
  • Behavioral Analytics

English proficiency levels of Mexican cybersecurity experts

Truth is, Mexico doesn’t have the best English proficiency levels of all Latin America. In fact, this country’s EF EPI ranking doesn’t look too promising. With a 447 score and a ranking of 19 out of 20 Latin American countries, many would think Mexican IT professionals lack the necessary English proficiency to work for a North American company.

The good news is that this isn’t the case at all, particularly tech workers! Cybersecurity experts in Mexico have solid English-speaking skills, despite the country’s average proficiency level being so low. This is thanks to the way IT education programs prepares future professionals to at least have some command of the language as it’s so crucial for all cybersecurity work. Just be sure to evaluate the English skills of all candidates beforehand. This way, you can rest assured knowing that your future hires have the proficiency levels required to seamlessly integrate into your team.

The cost of hiring cybersecurity experts in Mexico

One of the key advantages – if not the main one – of hiring cybersecurity experts in Mexico is the opportunity to save money on cybersecurity costs. This amazing cost reduction happens because of the lower cybersecurity development rates charged by Mexican engineers. In fact, prices in Latin America can be up to 30-50% cheaper than hiring cybersecurity experts back in your home region.

How to hire cybersecurity experts in Mexico

Once you have identified the type of Mexican cybersecurity expert you need for your project, there are a few different ways of looking for an IT specialist in Mexico. Here are some methods you can use to find the right cybersecurity experts in Mexico:

1. Search for local independent contractors:

When looking for a Cybersecurity Expert in Mexico, start by researching local options. There are many talented professionals in Mexico who specialize in cybersecurity, so the best option is to explore all of your independent local options before making any hiring decisions if your preference is to hire cybersecurity professionals in Mexico without any third-party interventions. You can leverage platforms such as Linkedin to find good independent contractors with an active international network and track record.

2. Look for referrals and ask for references:

When looking for cybersecurity experts in Mexico, be sure to ask for referrals from previous industry contacts, clients, or even past employers. This will help you find Mexican cybersecurity professionals that have already worked with North American clients and have a reputation for great work. Now, it’s best to still ask for referrals, as this will help you get an understanding of how well-regarded they are in the Mexican cybersecurity industry and give you peace of mind when making your final hiring decision.

3. Evaluate the option of using freelancing platforms:

Another alternative to traditional recruitment when hiring cybersecurity experts in Mexico is to try out freelancing platforms. These marketplace sites connect freelancers from all industries and corners of the world with worldwide potential employers and clients. Currently, the two most popular ones are Fiverr and Upwork. Now, keep in mind that while cybersecurity experts on these platforms might charge lower rates compared to those of their North American counterparts, these sites come with a very basic interview process. So when evaluating potential candidates, be sure to review their portfolios and previous projects. This will give you an idea of their technical expertise and experience as well as their problem-solving skills.

4. Work with a cybersecurity staffing agency:

When hiring a cybersecurity expert in Mexico, it’s important to set realistic expectations about the scope of work and timeline for completion of the hiring process when your company is handling outsourcing for the first time. This process can be challenging for newcomers to the nearshoring scene. Lucky for you, there’s always the option of partnering with a cybersecurity staffing agency to help streamline the procedure. These nearshoring firms, like us at Cyber Warrior, have years of experience hiring IT professionals from Latin America and will handle the entire process for you.


Hiring cybersecurity experts in Mexico can provide companies with several different benefits, including significant cost savings, USA time zone, and access to a larger cybersecurity talent pool. Now, at CyberWarrior, we understand that it can be a challenge for North American businesses to know if outsourcing to Mexico can ensure that they hire a qualified professional who can help protect their data and networks from malicious attacks when it’s their first time trying this IT recruiting strategy. That’s why we offer nearshore cybersecurity staffing services to help organizations hire cybersecurity experts in Mexico with ease. Our team handles every step of the process, including interviewing and billing, and counts on an established network of Latin American cybersecurity experts to recruit from. Contact us today to learn more about our cybersecurity staffing services!