How to Combat Gender Inequality in Cybersecurity

by | Mar 10, 2023

When you read that women represent 20% of the cybersecurity workforce, what is your first thought? You will probably think, “oh, it is not as bad as I imagined. Cybersecurity is going through a dramatic talent gap that keeps growing yearly. Combating gender inequality is part of the solution to this problem; it can help us get better and faster results by helping us get better-trained personnel. 

There is a common misbelief that because this is a technical field, it is more attractive to men, but it is not true. It is very appealing to women as well. Threality is that women can get the work done and have successful careers. Women are finding their way to leadership positions in higher numbers. In fact, a report published by McKinsey & Company says that organizations that increased employment and leadership opportunities for women have shown increased organizational effectiveness and growth.  

So, what can we actually do to combat gender inequality in the field? 

Four Things That Will Help Combat Gender Inequality in Cybersecurity 

1- Promote Cybersecurity Ambassadors 

As an industry, we must start inspiring women to join us and help them understand that this is not a “men’s world.” They can excel at it. One way of doing it is by promoting successful women in cybersecurity to encourage others to like them and enter the industry. We should be writing about their experience. What motivated them to join cybersecurity about their journey and their goals. We should invite them as lecturers, ambassadors, or speakers at conferences (in-person and online). We should talk about the many benefits of being a woman in cybersecurity.  

2- Encourage More Girls Into STEM 

We need to find new and more attractive ways to reach every grade in every school and encourage kids, especially girls, into STEM. This way, not only are we initiating them into the world of science, technology, and math, but we are giving our students the necessary tools to develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and exploratory learning skills to help them succeed in every aspect of their life.  

3- Provide Financial Support for Women  

The cost of a cybersecurity training program can be a barrier for people considering entering this field. We can encourage women to get started by offering tailored funding options for them. 

4- Create Cybersecurity Vocational Training Programs for Women 

Training programs specially designed for women can help them understand how the cybersecurity field works and their different career paths and support their professional development. These programs should include mentorship (ideally by women in the industry), career guidance, courses, certifications, and hands-on experience that will help them build a profile that will stand out in front of the eyes of recruiters. 

In other words, we can summarize the efforts we need to start making in just three words: education, inspiration, and engagement. This way, we are helping future generations and giving a  hand to adult women who want a better life and a more rewarding career. 

Challenges and Opportunities: Role Models For Women in Cybersecurity

CyberWarrior is hosting an event called: “Opportunities and Challenges: Role Models for Women in Cybersecurity.” It is an important initiative that seeks to bring more diversity and inclusion to the cybersecurity industry. It’s essential to encourage more women to join the field and provide them with the necessary support and resources.

This virtual roundtable discussion on March 30th at noon EST is an excellent opportunity for women to hear from top female professionals about their experiences and insights in the industry. Attendees will learn about the challenges and opportunities for women in cybersecurity and gain valuable advice.

By supporting this event, we can help build a more diverse and inclusive cybersecurity industry, leading to better solutions and a more secure digital world. So don’t miss this chance to learn from other cybersecurity enthusiasts and support women in technology. Register now.