Overcoming Imposter Syndrome: Strategies for Internalizing Success

by | Jan 17, 2023

Do you ever feel like you’re not living up to your own expectations or the expectations of others? If so, you may be dealing with imposter syndrome. This phenomenon has been studied by psychologists such as Pauline Clance and Suzanne Imes since the 1970s, and affects countless people who are afraid of falling short or feeling like they don’t belong. In this blog post, we will explore strategies that can help us navigate these feelings and take control of our own success. We will look at how successful people such as Valerie Young have dealt with imposter syndrome to reach their goals, and discuss how we can do the same.

Imposter syndrome can be a difficult emotion to overcome, but by tapping into our inner thoughts of successful women, separating feelings from facts and allowing ourselves to experience moments of achievement, imposter syndrome can be managed.

Retraining your thinking, shifting your explanatory style, owning your accomplishments and practicing self-compassion are all key steps in overcoming this mental block.

Making strides in these areas will help us gain insight into our achievements and unlock the potential within us.

¿ How to overcome the impostor syndrome ?

Here are some strategies for successful people to help internalize their successes and start to see themselves as confident and capable individuals who deserve recognition for their hard work and achievements:

Rewrite misconceptions about confidence 

Many high achievers with imposter syndrome are hesitant to acknowledge their achievements, fearing they will come off as too arrogant or cocky.

However, it’s important to remember that there’s a difference between healthy confidence and overconfidence.

Those with healthy confidence are secure in their judgments and strengths and can also show humility and admit their weaknesses.

Shift your explanatory style

People with experiences of imposter syndrome tend to have a pessimistic explanatory style, attributing their successes to external factors such as luck or timing and seeing them as temporary and fleeting. 

Instead, try to adopt an optimistic explanatory style, which can help reduce feelings of inadequacy and doubt that come with feeling like an impostor. 

This means interpreting positive events as a result of internal factors, such as your inherent capabilities or effort, and seeing them as long-lasting.

Own your accomplishments

People with impostor syndrome often have trouble internalizing their successes and integrating them into a more positive view of themselves.

Experiencing moments of doubt can be difficult to navigate, but one way to overcome this is to keep a log of your accomplishments and refer to it when you’re feeling down.

This will remind you of your capabilities and help you own your successes.

Seek out support

Overcoming imposter syndrome can be challenging to do on your own.

It’s important to seek permission from friends, family, or a therapist, who can help you challenge negative thoughts and beliefs, and find a mentor who has gone through similar experiences.

Practice self-compassion

Self-criticism is a poor strategy for those with imposter syndrome.

Instead, adopt a self-compassionate approach by celebrating your successes and being kind to yourself when things don’t go as planned.

Remember, everyone makes mistakes and has setbacks.

Facing imposter syndrome can often make us feel like a fraud, and keep us from acknowledging our successes.

Yet, by reflecting on the secret thoughts of successful people and allowing positive feedback to sink in, we can effectively deal with imposter syndrome and start to overcome it.

Retraining our thought patterns, shifting our explanatory style, owning our accomplishments, seeking out support and practicing self-compassion are key steps in taking control of these feelings and realizing our potential.

In conclusion, imposter syndrome is real and it affects many of us. It can be difficult to overcome these feelings of self-doubt and inadequacy, but with the help of successful people such as Valerie Young and the strategies outlined above, it is possible to break out of this cycle by taking ownership of our successes and shifting our thinking to an optimistic mindset. Remember, you don’t have to always be perfect or live up to others’ expectations of you; it is more important to focus on your own successes and accept that sometimes things won’t go as planned, without feeling like you have failed or don’t belong. With the right strategies in place, we can all develop the confidence and self-belief we need to achieve our goals.