
Cybersecurity professionals are tasked with protecting our private information along with the networks and systems we utilize. If you’re considering a career in this field, our cybersecurity blog is a great way to learn how to start this rewarding journey. Here you can find answers to your questions about cybersecurity, success stories, career advice and the resources you need to start this wonderful path.

Latest Cybersecurity Blog Posts

How To Hire Cybersecurity Experts in The Dominican Republic

How To Hire Cybersecurity Experts in The Dominican Republic

The Dominican Republic is a beautiful Caribbean country with a rising presence within the global IT industry. Moreover, due to the recent rise in cyberattacks in Latin America (with statistics showing over 1600 per second), the cybersecurity industry in the Dominican...

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How To Hire Cybersecurity Experts in Uruguay

How To Hire Cybersecurity Experts in Uruguay

Uruguay is considered one of the safest countries within the Latin American region, with low crime rates, a stable economic landscape, and a steady political environment. However, like any other country, it is not 100% immune to cyber threats and hacker attacks. This...

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How to Combat Gender Inequality in Cybersecurity

How to Combat Gender Inequality in Cybersecurity

When you read that women represent 20% of the cybersecurity workforce, what is your first thought? You will probably think, "oh, it is not as bad as I imagined." Cybersecurity is going through a dramatic talent gap that keeps growing yearly. Combating gender...

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Do Companies Hire Cybersecurity Bootcamp Grads ?

Do Companies Hire Cybersecurity Bootcamp Grads ?

The demand for cybersecurity professionals is increasing, and cyber security bootcamps are among the best ways to enter the field. Bootcamps provide students with an intensive environment to gain valuable technical skills quickly, and many companies are open to hiring...

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We Need More Women in Cybersecurity

We Need More Women in Cybersecurity

The cybersecurity talent gap is no longer just a staffing problem. It has gotten so bad that it is now a matter of national security. To this day, there are over 520,000 unfilled cybersecurity jobs just in the US. No wonder we read in the news every day about numerous...

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Cybersecurity Is Aching for a More Inclusive Workforce

Cybersecurity Is Aching for a More Inclusive Workforce

As we write this article, there are over one million workers in cybersecurity in the US. But what's more interesting is that the number of job listings for cybersecurity-related positions has kept growing for the past few months. In fact, according to CyberSeek, there...

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Are Cybersecurity Bootcamps Worth It?

Are Cybersecurity Bootcamps Worth It?

This blog post provides an in-depth look into the value of cybersecurity bootcamps and why they make an excellent choice for career advancement or recognition in the field. We'll discuss the importance of doing due diligence when researching bootcamp programs, outline...

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