How to Hire Remote Cybersecurity Staff: 10 Best Recruiting Practices

by | Feb 22, 2023

A larger number of companies are increasingly resorting to remote work alternatives to meet their workforce needs as the need for cybersecurity expertise rises. Remote work comes at the top of the list, with statistics predicting that 36.2 million American employees will be working remotely by 2025. Through hiring strategies like cybersecurity staffing, employers may access a bigger, more diversified pool of applicants thanks to the limitless remote employment, which also gives greater flexibility in terms of hours, location, and cost.

However, it might be challenging for first-time outsourcing companies to know how to efficiently find and hire remote cybersecurity experts, though. This article provides a list of recruitment methods and some of the best practices for finding and hiring remote cybersecurity employees to build the right outsourced team.

First, what is cybersecurity staffing?

The process of finding, interviewing, and employing qualified individuals through outsourcing methods for cybersecurity-related positions is known as cybersecurity staffing. With the aid of an external recruiting team, you can acquire cybersecurity specialists with more agility and frequently at cheaper prices than you can internally, supporting your internal IT department or helping you establish one from scratch. Overall, this hiring strategy helps to cover positions like security analysts, engineers, architects, and more.

Benefits of hiring remote cybersecurity professionals

There are several benefits to hiring cybersecurity experts through remote recruitment. One of its main benefits is that it gives businesses access to a bigger, more varied pool of candidates, lower cybersecurity rates, and specific knowledge or skills that might not be accessible within the local talent pool. Now, the advantages of cybersecurity staffing increase if organizations opt for nearshore cybersecurity services. This type of outsourcing strategy consists of hiring cybersecurity experts from nearshore locations, meaning countries that are physically closer to the local headquarters of your company. For North American organizations, this usually involves hiring specialists from Latin America.

5 ways to hire remote cybersecurity staff

1. Leverage your industry contacts.

A smart strategy to locate qualified applicants is to use your network and leverage each and every one of your industry contacts in order to find the perfect candidate. This is a fairly easy task to do if you’re proactive and keep in touch with those contacts in the first place. Next time you want to hire remote cybersecurity staff, start by asking your current network for recommendations, or think about contacting or looking into organizations for professionals who work in cybersecurity.

2. Look for cybersecurity candidates on social media.

Social media networking is another useful tool for finding remote cybersecurity professionals. LinkedIn, Twitter, and Stack Overflow are a few of the most popular websites for connecting with and hiring cybersecurity experts, so your company should definitely start building a presence and researching for potential candidates on those sites. Still, more old-school social media platforms such as Reddit have started to act as job-posting forums where companies can look for cybersecurity services and independent contractors often scout for new jobs.

3. Take advantage of job boards and forums.

Finding quality remote cybersecurity staff to join your team can be made easier by using job boards. Dice, Cyberseek, and ZipRecruiter are some of the most well-known employment forums for cybersecurity specialists, where companies can post about new open positions and allow potential candidates to apply through these sites or via an email address or specific contact form. Taking advantage of these boards and forums will help you reach more applicants, so it’s best to look for those particularly popular with remote cybersecurity experts from your target region.

4. Use freelancing platforms.

Companies looking to outsource their cybersecurity solutions can also locate skilled cybersecurity experts by using the many available sites for freelancing. Thanks to constantly evolving technologies, access to a worldwide pool of seasoned workers who are accessible for short-term contracts or long-term commitments is now made possible through platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, and Freelancer. These connect professionals from all over the world with employers eager for their services. Small companies that might not have the means to recruit full-time cybersecurity experts to solve a business issue can notably benefit from this strategy, as it offers low-cost and minimum commitment.

5. Hire a cybersecurity staffing agency.

Last but certainly not least, partnering with a cybersecurity staffing agency can also be beneficial for companies looking to hire remote cybersecurity staff. Agencies like us, CyberWarrior, specialize in sourcing and recruiting qualified cybersecurity personnel from nearshore and offshore locations, and have access to a wide range of talent from different backgrounds and levels of experience. Furthermore, we have specific networks and systems set in place that can help identify the best cybersecurity candidates for the job.

5 best remote recruiting practices to keep in mind

1. Polish your company’s job descriptions.

Finding talented cybersecurity applicants requires creating detailed and attractive job descriptions. This will help potential candidates understand if the job is the right fit for them, and get a better idea of how they should approach the hiring process. It’s also the perfect opportunity for you as the potential employer to make the role as enticing as possible, and to get the most cybersecurity professionals to apply for the position. An explanation of the position’s duties, a list of prerequisite skills, and details on the company’s culture and values should all be included in job descriptions.

2. Conduct screening calls to assess technical knowledge.

It’s crucial to always have screening calls right away with each cybersecurity applicant, after deciding you want them to move forward with the recruitment process. By doing so, you will be able to determine the candidate’s credentials and whether they are a suitable match for the position. Now, while trying to hire remote cybersecurity staff, it’s crucial to evaluate the cybersecurity expert’s technical expertise as well. To examine the candidate’s technical knowledge and abilities, think about assigning them a job or technical evaluation that can be finished remotely. This type of online assessment is an effective and rapid way to ensure an applicant has what it takes to thrive in their potential new role.

3. Evaluate the English proficiency level of all candidates.

Employers who are looking to hire remote cybersecurity experts, specially nearshore and offshore security engineers, must assess each applicant’s level of English proficiency to make sure they can work well with the team. The candidate’s capacity to understand and answer inquiries in English as well as to perform daily cybersecurity tasks in a non-native language can be evaluated through a series of exams and interviews throughout the recruitment process. We recommend getting to this stage of the process rather quickly to determine whether or not the candidate could join your team as soon as possible, though their English skills should already shine or lack from the first moment they speak the language with the interviewer, even if it’s not during an English proficiency assessment. At the end of the day, it’s also possible to upskill your cybersecurity team and continuously improve their language skills until they’ve perfected it.

4. Conduct background and reference checks.

Background checks are essential when you hire remote cybersecurity staff. This allows you to assess whether or not they’re fit to work for their organization and ensures the criminal records of all your employees are clean. It’s a basic yet crucial step to prioritize the safety of everyone involved. A crucial stage in the remote hiring process is also checking the references of all candidates. You may learn a lot about a candidate’s skills and performance in prior employment by getting in touch with the candidate’s former employers or coworkers. Just like risk assessment when it comes to actual cybersecurity work, minimizing risks during the recruitment process will ensure a positive cybersecurity staffing experience.

5. Offer proper benefits and compensation.

While remote cybersecurity staffing allows you to save significant amounts of money on traditional hiring costs, it’s no reason to justify not offering candidates a few extra incentives to work for your company. After all, the IT and cybersecurity talent gap is real – with the industry facing a shortage of 76% in 2023. With the current need for qualified and affordable talent, for remote cybersecurity professionals to be hired and kept on board competitive benefits and pay packages are a must. Together with a competitive salary and performance-based bonuses, think about providing a full benefits package that includes monthly perks, paid time off, and the possibility of taking a few sick days a year even if not legally required.

Looking to hire remote cybersecurity staff?

Hiring remote cybersecurity staff can be an effective way to access specialized skills or expertise that may not be available locally while also providing increased flexibility in terms of hours and cost. Though in order to identify the kind of cybersecurity specialists who will succeed in their jobs and within your company’s team, it’s crucial to make sure you have the appropriate recruitment procedures in place. That’s why at CyberWarrior, we offer cybersecurity staffing services to help North American and European companies hire expert cybersecurity professionals for a fraction of the price. We also provide custom cybersecurity consulting solutions for companies not looking to expand their teams at the moment. Contact us today to learn more about our cybersecurity staffing services!